At MobileHomePartsStore.Com we ensure a secure on-line credit card transaction. We use Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt the information you send us when you place an order. Your transaction is safe
and the information you submit cannot be read in transit. We will not release your name, street address, shipping
address, phone number or e-mail address without your consent. We use the information you provide to us to
process orders and to provide a pleasant shopping experience.
Privacy Policy
MobileHomePartsStore.Com collects information from our website by several methods. We ask for information such
as your name, address and e-mail address. You may also be asked for information if you report a problem with merchandise
you purchased or a problem with a shipment. Our purpose for collecting this information is to better serve you
as a customer. The information you submit will only be shared with the agents and representatives of MobileHomePartsStore.Com
to provide you with the service you expect. Agents and representatives of MobileHomePartsStore.Com are prohibited from
using this information except to serve you as a customer.
The information you provide will not be shared with anyone unless we have your express permission or under special
circumstances, such as when we believe the law requires it. MobileHomePartsStore.Com may disclose user statistics to
others, but none of these statistics will contain personally identifiable information about our customers.
If you subscribed to our newsletter, we may occasionally send you e-mail about products and services we feel may be of
interest to you. You will only receive these e-mails if you have subscribed. You may unsubscribe at any time by
sending an e-mail to [email protected] and placing "unsubscribe" in the subject line of the message.