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Archive for the ‘Bathroom’ Category

What Does a New Mobile Home Bathtub Cost?

At a certain point, getting a new bathtub for your mobile home might become a necessity rather than just a nice upgrade. Whether your tub suffers from leaks, cracks, or stubborn stains, it’s a telltale sign that it’s time for a change. Those cracks and spots where dirt builds up can become a breeding ground
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How to Replace a Bathroom Exhaust Fan

A bathroom exhaust fan is a must-have when it comes to keeping your mobile home fresh and free of excess moisture. It doesn’t just get rid of bad smells but also lowers humidity, stopping mold and mildew from forming. If you’ve noticed your fan isn’t clearing steam fast or making loud noises, it might be
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Remodeling Your Mobile Home Bathroom

When it comes to upgrading your mobile home bathroom, you can achieve impressive results without breaking the bank. Many people successfully transform their bathrooms for less than $1,000, and if you’re up for some DIY work, you might even pull it off for as little as $500. While it can get more complex and costly,
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Tackling Water Damage in Your Mobile Home

Every day, 14,000 people in the US deal with water damage. The insurance industry spends a whopping $2.5 billion annually on water damage and mold issues, with the average home insurance claim for water damage totaling $6,965. Clearly, handling water damage and restoration is a big deal. If you’re the owner of a mobile home
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Mobile Home Bathtub and Shower Maintenance

Taking a relaxing shower or lounging in the bathtub after a long, tiring day at work is probably something everyone is looking forward to. However, if you own a mobile home, you might face some unique challenges, especially when it comes to the bathroom. To keep your mobile home’s bathtub or shower in great shape,
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The Allure Mobile Home Garden Tubs

Nothing is better than unwinding in a nice, warm bath after a long, hard day at work. But here’s the catch – many bathtubs are too small to immerse yourself fully.  If you live in a mobile home and want to take your bath to the next level, you might have heard of a “garden
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Choosing the Perfect Mobile Home Tub Surround

So, you are getting ready to tackle another mobile home remodel project: the bathroom. Of course, you have the paint, new sink, faucets, and towel racks, but what about the surround? Should you buy a mobile home tub surround or a stand-alone bathtub? A shower surround, which you may know better as the vinyl panel
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Choosing the Right Mobile Home Faucet: A Buyer’s Guide

So, you’re looking for a mobile home faucet that will match your decor and fit your needs? But before you start scouring the internet, take a minute to consider how many different options are available in today’s market. Whether you’re in the kitchen, bathroom, or shower, mobile home faucets play a crucial role in your
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Mobile Home Bathtub or Shower?

When it comes to remodeling your bathroom, choosing between a mobile home shower and a bath can be a tough decision. While there is no right or wrong answer, most people have strong opinions on the matter. However, the most important factors to consider are functionality, appearance, and potential resale value. Out of all the
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Mobile Home Bathtub Replacement

Are you a mobile home owner looking to give your bathroom a fresh, rejuvenating makeover? One of the most impactful upgrades you can make is replacing your old mobile home bathtub. However, if you’re new to mobile home renovations, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through
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