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Archive for the ‘Mobile Home Projects & Ideas’ Category

Unlocking the Secrets to Mobile Home Exterior Door

Believe it or not, the exterior door of your mobile home is one of the most important aspects of your mobile home. It serves as your first line of defense and yet is among the first things people see when they come to visit. So, it’s essential to ensure your front door checks all the
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Transforming Your Mobile Home’s Exterior in 2024

The exterior is a home’s first impression—and we all know that first impressions matter. That’s why we should pay as much attention to our home’s curb appeal as we do to the kitchen and bathrooms. From siding to skirting, there are numerous ways to boost your mobile home’s curb appeal with a few simple changes
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What Are Low-E Windows and Should You Buy Them?

Thinking about giving your mobile home a makeover to save energy? Upgrading your windows could be the way to go. Energy-efficient windows don’t just make your home look better; they also help you save money on energy bills. Did you know that regular double-paned windows let in about 76% of sunlight, which can hike up
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How to Replace Your Mobile Home’s P-trap

Are you noticing strange smells wafting from your drain? Or your sink is draining slower than usual, or worse, you’ve spotted leaks or mold under your sink. These are all signs of a faulty P-trap in your mobile home. This curved piece of drain pipe, often called a P-trap, does a lot of the dirty
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Tips and Tricks to Mobile Home Roof Maintenance

Your mobile home is your sanctuary, and its roof is crucial in keeping you safe and dry. However, if you’re reading this, chances are you have an older mobile home since flat metal roofs haven’t been used widely for many years. Maintaining a flat roof on a mobile home requires a bit more attention, but
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What Does a New Mobile Home Bathtub Cost?

At a certain point, getting a new bathtub for your mobile home might become a necessity rather than just a nice upgrade. Whether your tub suffers from leaks, cracks, or stubborn stains, it’s a telltale sign that it’s time for a change. Those cracks and spots where dirt builds up can become a breeding ground
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How to Add Curb Appeal to Your Mobile Home

Are you looking to elevate the exterior of your mobile home? Enhancing your home’s curb appeal not only adds value but also creates a welcoming first impression. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can achieve a stunning transformation without breaking the bank. Whether you’re preparing to sell or simply want to enjoy a
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How to Replace Your Mobile Home’s Interior Lighting

Improving your interior lighting can make a big difference, especially if your mobile home has limited natural light. Things like hanging lights and chandeliers can instantly make a room feel brighter. But this is one of those projects we never seem to come around to. Look up. Does your ceiling or fan look old or
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Why Skirting is a Must for Mobile Homes

If you own a mobile home, there’s one thing you absolutely can’t overlook: skirting. You might think it’s a small thing, but trust us, it plays a significant role in keeping your home healthy and happy. Skirting serves not only to enhance the appearance of your home’s exterior and bring it all together but also
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Choosing the Right Mobile Home Front Door

Are you looking for a replacement door for your mobile home? Maybe you have noticed that your front door shows signs of wear and tear, or you’re just ready for a fresh look. Whatever the reason, choosing the right front door for your mobile home is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your front
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