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Mobile Home Window Replacement Guide

Mobile Home Window

Are you thinking about swapping out your mobile home windows? Maybe you want to improve your home’s curb appeal, reduce outside noise, or make it easier to open and close your windows for a breath of fresh air. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to pick the right replacement windows, especially if you want them to help save energy. 

Mobile homes can be tricky when it comes to replacing things, not just windows. But with so many choices out there, it’s essential to understand the different types of mobile home replacement windows so you can choose wisely.


Signs It’s Time for Mobile Home Window Replacement

Every window has its limits, even those in mobile homes. If you start noticing signs of wear and tear, it might be time to consider replacing them. Here are some indicators that your mobile home windows might need replacing:

  • Drafts and Leaks: If you feel drafts or notice water leaks around your windows, it’s a clear sign that your windows are not sealing correctly.
  • Visible Damage: Cracks, chips, or any other visible damage to the glass or a rotting frame are clear signs that replacement is necessary.
  • Difficulty Operating: Windows that are hard to open or close might have damaged hardware or warped frames, making them inefficient and even dangerous during emergencies.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s time to think about replacing your mobile home windows. Doing so can improve your home’s energy efficiency, make it more comfortable to live in, and increase its value.


Finding the Right Size Windows for Your Mobile Home

Before replacing your mobile home windows, make sure to measure them, as their sizes usually differ from standard home windows.


How to Measure Your Mobile Home Windows

To measure your mobile home windows, use a tape measure to measure from one side of the window frame to the other, excluding any nail flanges. If you’re unsure, it’s best to have a professional measure for you. Most mobile homes come with windows in these standard sizes:

  • 30″ by 60″
  • 36″ by 60″
  • 36″ by 54″

Once you know the sizes you need, consider buying replacement windows from a company specializing in mobile homes for the best fit. Mobile Home Parts Store offers standard mobile home products suitable for all mobile homes. 


Can You Add Bigger Windows to a Mobile Home?

While it’s possible to install bigger windows, structural integrity and building codes must be considered. Adding larger windows will require modifying openings and strengthening the walls to support the additional weight. It is best to consult with a professional contractor or engineer to ensure compliance with local and HUD regulations.


Choosing Frames for Your Mobile Home Windows

When picking out new windows for your mobile home, one of the most important things to think about is what the frame is made of. The frame material can impact a window’s energy efficiency, especially its heat loss rate or U-factor. 

There are two main kinds of frames to consider: aluminum or metal and vinyl frames.


Mobile Home vinyl and aluminum windowsAluminum or Metal Frames

Aluminum window frames, such as Kinro single-pane aluminum windows, are popular for mobile homes because they’re strong, light, and almost maintenance-free. They are an economical option for mobile homeowners, providing added security and structural performance for your windows. Aluminum windows can even support window air conditioners in older mobile homes that might not have been built for them. Plus, they don’t rust or corrode, which is great if you live in a humid or coastal area. 

But, aluminum frames aren’t great at keeping heat in because they quickly conduct heat. To help with this, they should have a thermal break—a plastic strip that goes between the inside and outside of the frame to stop heat from escaping.


Vinyl Frames

Vinyl frames are another popular choice for mobile homes because they’re energy-efficient, low maintenance, and affordable. They are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with UV stabilizers to keep sunlight from breaking down the material. 

Vinyl-frame windows are usually the least expensive option and typically come in white. But they can’t be painted or stained, so make sure you’re okay with the color before buying them.


Insulated Mobile Home Windows

Insulated windows make a big difference in your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. But what exactly are they?

Insulated windows have at least two panes of glass. They’re designed to keep your home cozy by trapping air between the panes. This trapped air acts as insulation, stopping heat from escaping in the winter and preventing unwanted heat from entering in the summer. So, how does this help you?

The more panes a window has, the better it is at keeping your home comfortable all year round. Not only does it save energy by reducing heat loss, but it also helps block harmful UV rays from entering your home.


Single-pane Window

The single-pane window is the most common kind, with just one pane of glass. While common, it’s not very good at keeping your home cozy. Single-pane windows tend to let out a lot of heat in the winter and allow drafts to creep in. Plus, they’re prone to condensation, which can be a hassle.


Double-pane Window

Double-pane windows are a step up in energy efficiency. They have two panes of glass separated by an air gap. This air gap acts as a buffer, helping to insulate your home better than a single-pane window. So, you’ll stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. But keep in mind that they can cost a bit more upfront.


Thermal pane Window

Consider a thermal pane window if you’re looking for the ultimate energy efficiency. These windows have three panes of glass with two air gaps between them. This extra layer of insulation makes them the best choice for keeping your home comfortable all year. However, they can be pricier than other options.

By understanding the different types of insulated windows, you can make the best choice for your home and save money on your energy bills in the long run.


Boosting Energy Efficiency with Window Coatings

Besides insulation, coatings or glazes can also make your mobile home windows more energy efficient. Here are some common coating options to consider:


Low-E Mobile Home Windows

Low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings are super thin, almost invisible metal or metallic oxide layers applied to one or more glass panes. These coatings reduce heat loss and control how much daylight and heat from the sun gets into your home. Different Low-E windows can let in more or less sunlight, depending on your needs. 

While windows with Low-E coatings cost a bit more upfront, they can save you a lot of energy and money in the long run, cutting down on heat loss by as much as 30% to 50%.


Spectrally Selective Coatings

In areas where keeping cool is a priority, you’ll want window glazing that lets in daylight but blocks out as much of the sun’s heat as possible. Some Low-E coatings are made to be spectrally selective. They can filter out 40% to 70% of the heat that usually passes through window glass, all while letting in plenty of daylight.


Mobile Home Window Operating Styles

When picking out replacement windows for your mobile home, it’s essential to think about how they will open and close. Here are some common options:

  • Awning: These windows are hinged at the top and swing outward. They’re great for letting in fresh air while keeping rain out.
  • Hopper: Hinged at the bottom, these windows open inward from the top. They’re perfect for places with limited space.
  • Single- and Double-Sliding: Sliding windows have one or two panels that move horizontally along a track. They’re easy to use and fit well in tight spots.
  • Fixed: These windows stay shut and don’t open. They’re often used alongside other windows to provide more light and views.
  • Single- and Double-Hung: Hung windows have two panels that slide up and down. With single-hung windows, the top panel stays fixed while the bottom one moves. Double-hung windows let both panels move independently.
  • Casement: Hinged at the sides, these windows open outward with a crank. They’re great for airflow and seal tightly when closed.
  • Jalousie Windows: Found in older mobile homes, jalousie windows have horizontal glass slats that open and close together. They’re good for adjusting ventilation and airflow.


Upgrade Your Mobile Home Windows with Mobile Home Parts Store

Installing Mobile Home Window

When improving your mobile home, choosing the right replacement windows is key. It’s not just about looks—it’s about making your home more comfortable, saving energy, and sprucing up its appearance. 

By considering the frames’ materials, the kind of glass they have, and how they open, you can pick out the perfect windows without breaking the bank. Whether you’re interested in aluminum, vinyl, insulated, or  Low-E windows, investing in quality replacements will enhance the value and enjoyment of your mobile home for years to come.

For mobile homeowners who are ready to take on the challenge of replacing their windows, Mobile Home Parts Store has you covered. We offer a wide selection of high-quality replacement windows, along with expert guidance and support every step of the way. With our extensive inventory and competitive prices, upgrading your mobile home windows has never been easier.

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