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Your Eyes Aren’t Playing Tricks On You: We Got A New Website!

That navigation bar looks awesome, and those fonts are so easy to read… hey, I can easily navigate this site on my phone now!
What happened? We got a new website.

The New Site: Beautiful, Functional, and Mobile-Friendly!

At Mobile Home Parts Store, we’ve consistently provided the very best parts and customer service to the mobile home community. Whether you need a new interior light switch or a new sunroom, we’ve always had it. We’ve helped our customers renovate their homes since the late 90s, and our first ecommerce website went up in 2002. Let’s take a little trip down memory lane and see how far we’ve come!

Old old MHPS Site

Our website c. 2003, courtesy of

That’s where it all began. It’s a fairly simple layout by today’s standards, but it was a top-of-the-line website in the early

2000s! What do you think? Have we come a long way?

Our current site, designed and developed by 216digital, Inc., is our 3rd website redesign. Our first site lasted us for years, but around 2010, we knew we needed a change. That’s when we updated to our 2nd website—the one you saw up until a few weeks ago. Here it is:

MHPS Next Oldest Site

Our website c. 2012, courtesy of

Before you get all teary-eyed, remember—our old site served our customers well for years, but it wasn’t quite up to snuff in 2015. Our mobile customers had a hard time scrolling around and finding things in our catalog. With the gigantic increase in mobile shopping, we knew we needed a mobile-responsive website—one that would look great on all devices.

The New Site: Clean, Mobile-Responsive, and Gorgeous!

We’re excited to improve your shopping experience with this new website. It’s been fully tested, and it’s ready to handle anything you can throw at it. So dive into our catalog and find that new faucet or that new set of windows you’ve been meaning to get. And as usual, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Our staff is ready to help. Happy surfing, and happy shopping!

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