Mobile home myths and misconceptions have been an issue for a long time. These mobile home myths must be debunked and corrected so potential homeowners can have accurate information on mobile home living. Commonly, people buy into these myths, as they don’t know much about mobile homes. The reason is, most people choose to purchase stick-built homes instead of manufactured homes. Therefore, they just don’t know as much about manufactured homes. It’s easy to believe a mobile home myth if you’ve never done your research.
Mobile Home Myth #1:
The Myth
Manufacturers make mobile homes out of cheap material and less durable.
The Facts
Understandably, they believe tales like this because of how affordable mobile homes can be relative to site-built homes. The reason for this price difference has almost nothing to do with the materials used but rather their customization. Mobile homes sacrifice personalization, meaning they build many of them similarly or the same way. Since homemakers can produce them at a much faster rate and standardize parts, their cost of production is much lower. This process makes for a more affordable price to the consumer if they are not worried about having a one-of-a-kind home. The truth is, manufactured and mobile homes use high-quality materials. Since 1974, standards have ensured the quality of mobile homes and manufactured homes.

Mobile Home Myth #2:
The Myth
Manufactured homes are the same as trailers.
The Facts
You will often hear people using the words “trailer” and “mobile home” interchangeably. However, these are two distinctly different things. The difference is a manufacturing standard that homemakers must meet to qualify the home as a manufactured home. These standards have been in place since 1974 as part of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act. Manufactured homes can also be secured permanently to a steel chassis and listed as real estate. Like tiny homes, trailers and other trim housing options cannot do this. Manufactured homes are built to a high quality and checked for excellence ever since 1974. Manufactured homes have only increased in quality and have begun to escape the negative stigma associated with the word “trailer.” Any mobile homes built after 1976 would technically be a “manufactured home” instead of a mobile home. However, you can use the words interchangeably. Trailers, however, usually refer to those structures built before 1976.
Mobile Home Myth #3:
The Myth
Mobile Homes all have a very similar design.
The Facts
Initially, people made mobile homes to have temporary housing for work during WWII. The mobile home industry was just beginning, and factories honed in on efficient and sturdy mobile home models to mass-produce. At the beginning of the mobile home industry, there were not many options available for buyers. There were few design options, with almost no customization. Many believe that this is still the case today. However, mobile home customization has increased exponentially with a booming mobile home industry. Nowadays, there are still standard models of homes. Manufacturers have to do this to keep pricing reasonable. However, there are add ons and many other ways to make a mobile home your own. Just because you live in a manufactured home or mobile home does not mean that you have the same house as someone else.
Mobile Home Myth #4:
The Myth
Mobile homes are all in trailer parks.
The Facts
Mobile homes are often associated with trailer parks because that is where you will typically find them. However, that does not mean that you can only place mobile homes in trailer parks! First of all, mobile homes and trailers are not the same, as mentioned previously. The next critical piece of information is that mobile homes and manufactured homes can be virtually anywhere a site-built home could. You can place your mobile home on any land you own or lease. There are other options too. Many mobile home communities worldwide offer many amenities and wonderful community life.

Mobile Home Myth #5:
The Myth
Mobile homes don’t gain value over time.
The Facts
When purchasing a home, many are understandably concerned with gaining equity and buying a home that will increase in value. However, many completely disregard mobile homes, as they think that they do not increase in value. Just like site-built homes, they don’t always go up in value. Like any other home, supply and demand determine their price. Many make a living from flipping manufactured homes in addition to, or instead of, site-built homes.
Mobile Home Myth #6:
The Myth
Living in a mobile home is unsafe.
The Facts
Mobile homes have the stigma of being unsafe because of poorly manufactured trailers made over 40 years ago. At this time, there were no standards that manufacturers had to meet to qualify the home as “livable.” Since there were no standards, many people ended up purchasing very poorly made homes with little knowledge of the danger. Many saw upsetting accidents as roofs caved in, homes fell apart in harsh weather and other incidents. However, today, that has changed drastically. Mobile homes have ensured quality as part of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. Mobile homeowners will not experience the same issues as seen in the past, such as roofs caving in. Today, mobile homes are held to a high standard to ensure all potential residents’ safety. Though there are fewer mobile home standards, they are practically as safe as living in stick-built homes.
Mobile Home Myth #7:
The Myth
There are not many people who live in mobile homes.
The Facts
Most people would vastly underestimate how many mobile homes are in the United States. About 18 million Americans live in mobile homes, according to Apartment List. Eighteen million mobile homeowners are nearly 6% of all homeowners in America. The mobile home communities across the country are still a minority. However, more than one of every twenty Americans is currently living in a mobile home. Manufactured homeowners make up a respectable chunk of the overall population, making this myth completely untrue.

Mobile Home Myth #8:
The Myth
Mobile home communities are unsafe.
The Facts
The stigma of mobile home communities being unsafe or dangerous is one of the most destructive and upsetting stigmas. Due to some impoverished and high crime rate trailer parks, people view all mobile home communities as hazardous. They assume that all of these communities must have a high crime rate and choose not to live there. The stigma that mobile home communities have can be hurtful. Just because someone lives in a mobile home community does not mean you should villainize them. Of course, there are dangerous mobile home communities, just like there are hazardous cities. However, many mobile home communities are safe places for families and children and offer a wonderful community feel.
In Summary…
There are many vastly untrue manufactured and mobile home myths. Some of them can be hurtful to hear. However, the truth is that mobile homes offer an excellent alternative to traditional homes. We must recognize misconceptions and correct them with the right information. If you are a mobile homeowner, you will be more educated on them than others. Over time mobile homeowners can beat these misconceptions and beat the stigma.
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