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5 Common RV Repairs and How To Replace Them

Owning an RV is like having a small slice of home on wheels. As with any home, there are parts that can wear out or break down. The difference? When you’re on the move, being equipped with the right knowledge can transform a potential roadblock into a minor pitstop. 

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a seasonal traveler, or living the full-time RV life, understanding the most common RV repairs can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll navigate through five of the most common RV repairs and, more importantly, guide you on how to tackle them head-on. Buckle up; your journey toward becoming an RV DIY expert starts now!


1. Tire Blowouts

A tire blowout can completely derail your trip and cause costly damage to your RV. At the very least, it can throw off your travel plans and, in some cases, cause even more harm.


Common Causes of Blowouts:

  • Improper Tire Pressure: This is the top reason for tire blowouts. Always ensure your tires have the correct air pressure before any trip. Remember, changing temperatures can affect tire pressure, so regularly check it. Also, pay attention to the spare tire; it should be ready to use if needed to minimize travel delays.
  • Worn-out Tires: Inspect your tire’s tread frequently and look for signs like bulges or uneven wear. Some RVs come with factory tires that could be better quality and might not hold up as well. Routine checks will help keep surprises at bay.
  • Stressful Conditions: Bumpy roads, heavy loads, and long drives can strain your tires. Tires can wear out faster due to continuous use on roads. To help, try to balance your RV’s weight evenly across all tires.

Tips and Tricks for Tire Blowouts:

Monitor your tire pressure consistently. If you experience a blowout, visit an RV parts store or mechanic to get a new tire.

Fixing a blowout might cost between $100 and $200. While replacing an RV tire is usually affordable, the price can skyrocket if the blowout damages other parts of the RV. For instance, a tire that bursts into the vehicle’s cabin could result in repair bills in the thousands.

For peace of mind, always carry a spare tire and a jack. Protect your spare with the Camco Artic White Vinyl Spare Tire Cover. Its sturdy nylon thread shields your spare from dirt, rain, and sun, ensuring it’s always in excellent condition.


2.No Battery Power

When you’re traveling, using battery power for things like slideouts and jacks when setting up camp is crucial. But many RV owners discover that their appliances won’t run from a dead battery and need to fix this.


Common Causes for a Dead Battery:

The main reason for this problem is usually a dead or faulty battery. Some forget to disconnect their battery when the RV is not being used. This can cause the battery to drain and wear out. Moreover, overlooking regular battery care, like topping it up with distilled water, can be damaging.


Tips and Tricks for a Dead Battery:

  • Recharge the Battery: Recharging the battery might solve your problem if it is just drained. Connect to a power source and wait until the battery is full. This should restore its function. Remember to monitor the fluid level and ensure it’s adequately filled.
  • Time for a New Battery: It might be time for a new battery. A fresh one costs around $200 and can be set up in under an hour. Once you’ve got a new battery, maintain it well to avoid damage. Think about getting a quick-disconnect kit for your battery. For just $10, this kit makes it easy to detach the battery when you’re not using your RV. This helps in preventing wear and tear.
  • Battery Maintenance: Don’t get caught off guard by a non-functional battery. Periodically inspect the fluid levels and test the charge level to ensure it’s operating well. Also, whenever your RV is parked or stored, consider disconnecting the battery cables to extend its life.


3. Frozen Pipes

Insulating your pipes against dramatic changes in heat and cold is extremely important, especially if you live in an RV full-time. Burst pipes can be costly to fix, and dealing with the mess in cold weather can be a real challenge.


Common Causes for Frozen Pipes:

Frozen pipes in an RV can halt your fresh water supply, making it impossible to use your appliances properly. If these pipes burst, they can flood your RV and cause significant damage, leading to unexpected repair costs.


Tips and Tricks for Frozen Pipes:

  • Empty Your RV Waste: If you’re storing waste in your RV, start by emptying both your black and grey water tanks. This ensures that the water inside doesn’t freeze.
  • Insulate Your Pipes: While preventing your black and grey water tanks from freezing is crucial, the freshwater tank often poses the most significant risk. To protect your RV pipes:


4. Leaky Roofs

Hearing about water damage is a nightmare for RV owners. If water leaks aren’t spotted early, they can cause a lot of harm and result in expensive repairs. The good news? Many leaky roofs can be fixed quickly, stopping significant damage in their tracks.


Common Causes for Leaky Roofs:

Most often, the culprit behind a leaky RV roof is old, cracked sealant. As time passes, sealants can dry out, get damaged by sunlight, or develop cracks because of the RV’s movement during travels. If these cracks aren’t fixed, they can let water seep in, leading to mold growth and damage to the structure.


Tips and Tricks for Leaky Roofs:

  • Regular Inspections: It’s essential to inspect RV roofs coating at least once a year. This means looking closely at all the seals on the roof. Special attention should be given to areas like the shower skylight and bathroom vent—basically, any place where sealants and roof coating is used.
  • Immediate Repairs: Act quickly if you spot any cracks or gaps in the sealant. Ignoring them can allow water inside. For more extensive damages, ensure you patch them up first, then apply the sealant. Peel & Seal is a top choice for mending RV roofs. It has polymer films for added strength, and the rubberized asphalt ensures a snug seal, providing a long-lasting barrier against leaks.
  • Costs to Consider: Repair expenses can differ. Simple fixes like buying a sealant or roof coating cost around $40. But, if the leak has caused more extensive damage or you need a new roof, be prepared for a hefty bill.


5. Awning Damage

Awnings are valuable additions to your RV, providing shade during hot months and keeping things cool without needing to crank up the AC. However, being outside, they face the brunt of the elements, from sun to rain. Over time, constant exposure can cause wear and tear.


Common Causes for Awning Damage:

Awnings are among the most frequently repaired or replaced parts of an RV. When not set up correctly, rainwater can accumulate, causing the weight to stress the awning arms. And if there’s strong wind? Your awning can act like a sail, with its arms fighting against the gusts.


Tips and Tricks for Awning Damage:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Twice a year, clean your awning using Camco Full Timers Choice™ RV Awning Cleaner. This not only keeps the awning spotless but also helps in identifying minor damages early on.
  2. Prevent Water Pooling: Always angle your awning downward to prevent water accumulation. This ensures water runs off rather than collects.
  3. Watch the Wind: If it’s getting windy, retracting the awning to avoid potential damage is safer.
  4. Small Damage Repair: Clear tape works wonders for minor holes or rips. Use long strips to hold the fabric in place.


Product Recommendation:

For those considering an upgrade, Dura-Bilt® offers high-quality 3″ thick insulated aluminum awnings. Their portable RV awnings stand out due to their easy retraction, portability, and durability. Designed to provide maximum shade and protection, they also enhance the look of most RVs. With UV resistance and waterproof features, a Dura-Bilt awning is an excellent shield against the elements.


Wrapping Up 

An RV brings endless adventures, but it also requires regular maintenance and occasional repairs. With the right RV parts and supplies, many of these common issues can be addressed promptly. By being proactive, routinely inspecting, and visiting your trusted Mobile Home Parts Store for quality replacements, you can ensure that your journey remains smooth and your RV stays in top shape for years to come. Safe travels!

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